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Amino acid balance and appetition in weaners

56 Pages

Author(s): Maximiliano Muller, Ass Prof Eugeni Roura

It is a common practice for producers to include excess levels of some amino acids in pig diets to minimise growth variation in pigs. However, previous research has indicated that an excess of protein and some amino acids can negatively affect feed intake and growth in weaner pigs.

Value for producers:

  • Correct dietary levels of amino acids like lysine and leucine can improve feed intake and increase average daily gain in weaner pigs, as well as reduce feed composition costs.

Key findings:

  • If amino acids like lysine are too high during the weaner stage, it will decrease feed intake and therefore decrease growth. 
  • Excess dietary lysine in weaner diets decreased feed intake by 4.1 grams per pig for every one percent about the recommended levels.
  • A 25% excess margin in dietary lysine will result in lighter pigs - an average of 100g per pig - at the end of the post-weaning period.
