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Complete Research Reports

Item Details

To investigate the practicalities and regulatory requirements of utilising food waste as a feed source for pigs

45 Pages

Author(s): Joe Lane, Seamus Hoban

GHD was engaged by Australian Pork Limited (APL) to conduct a feasibility study into food waste recycling (both commercial and domestic waste) for use in Australia as pig feed, with a particular emphasis on procurement of sufficient volumes, effectiveness and costs of treatment, contaminant removal, distribution networks, regulatory approvals required, and cost compared to traditional sources.

The project was completed through a desktop review of literature, targeted consultation with industry participants with experience in using food waste as a source of pig feed, and economic analysis of potential food waste streams.

The study included an analysis of three different categories of food waste streams:

1.      Manufacturing (food processing) waste – waste products from dedicated food processing plants

2.      Commercial waste – waste from supermarkets, green grocers and food service outlets

3.      Domestic (household) waste – generally the household component of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) stream.

The potential for using human food waste as a source for pig feed varies considerably depending on the source of the waste.
