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Complete Research Reports

Item Details

Rotational Outdoor Piggeries and the Environment

20 Pages

Author(s): Robyn Tucker, FSA Consulting

Rotational outdoor piggeries are systems in which pigs are kept outdoors in small paddocks that are used in rotation with a crop-pasture phase. During the stocked phase, the pigs are supplied with prepared feed, but can also forage. The crop-pasture phase is intended to remove nutrients deposited in manure from the pig phase by cutting and removing plant material from the area.

Rotational outdoor piggeries pose different, and sometimes higher, environmental risk than indoor piggeries, depending on their siting and management. Good nutrient management and erosion prevention, which are imperative to protect land and water resources, are the main issues for most rotational outdoor piggeries. On the other hand, odour, dust and noise are rarely a concern for well-run units with suitable soils, topography and climates. This booklet provides best management practices (BMPs) to help piggery operators protect the environment without compromising economic productivity.
