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Complete Research Reports

Item Details

Demonstrating the Utilisation of Spent Eco-Shelter Bedding in Broad-acre Cropping Systems

1 Pages
1 May 2013
Author(s): Tony Craddock

This project examined the nutrient value of piggery spent bedding and its potential utilisation as a broadacre crop fertiliser and soil improvement agent. Spent bedding proved to be a very good source of macronutrients, was comparable to other organic by-products. “Starter” applications of fertilser in the seed row with spent bedding overcame crop vigour issues as did increasing spent bedding application from 5t/ha to 10t/ha. High rates of application (10-20t/ha ) have achieved good results in improving problem soils and applying high rates of spent bedding (up to 20t/ha) significantly increased grain yield & crop vigour and was sustained for two successive years.
